--sighs wearily-- Okay, well I'm done. For now, anyway.
Today was 2-essays-and-a-test day and I've just finished the last of those. The phrase (to borrow from Robert Frost) "Miles to go before I sleep"...I'm now thinking of that (at least for the moment, until more Stuff comes along that I have to deal with) in the past tense: I went miles, now I'm gonna sleep. ;)
And hmm. Just did a search for Robert Frost's poem and am I the only one who finds it rather sad that there were more hits for the Celine Dion song "Miles To Go (Before I Sleep)" than for the poem? First, I did a search by the name of the poem, but that only turned up 3 results, none of which was the actual poem itself...then I did it by the key phrase above, and
bam! Celine Dion...